1. 他們來到一處名叫客西馬尼
And they came to a Place named Gethsemane
2. 瀕死之苦
The Agony
3. 步向加略山
Processional to Calvary
4. 他們來到髑髏地
When they were come
5. 神聖自卑的奧妙
The Mystery of the Divine Humiliation
6. 他反倒虛己
He made Himself of no Reputation
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7. 神聖自卑的威榮
The Majesty of the Divine Humiliation
8. 好像摩西在那曠野地方
And as Moses lifted up the Serpent
9. 上帝愛世人
God so Loved the World
10. 受難禮文
Litany of the Passion
11. 耶穌說:“父啊!赦免他們”
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them”
12. 主為我眾罪人懇切祈求
So Thou liftest Thy Divine Petition
13. 代禱的美妙
The Mystery of Intercession
14. 同釘的兩個犯人
And one of the malefactor
15. 我崇拜主
The Adoration
16. 耶穌一看見他的母親
When Jesus therefore saw His Mother
17. 你豈無動於心
Is it nothing to you
18. 被釘之主的呼籲
The Appeal of the Crucified
19. 這事以後,耶穌知道各樣的事已經作成
After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished
20. 擁戴耶穌
For the Love of Jesus
- 隱藏
ISBN: | 978-962-294-637-8 |
貨號: | 2006R |
規格: | 平裝 / 85頁 / 19.0 x 26.5 cm / 0.18kg / 修訂版 |
出版日期: | 2000年3月 |
出版地: | 香港 |
分類: | 神劇、聖樂 |