About Us
Our Name,
Reveal the elements that have been integral to our ministries……
Our ministries are firmly based on Christian faith. We place great emphasis on biblical studies, tradition-based theological exploration, pastoral care and evangelical mission of the church, with particular focus on the promotion of ecumenical movement.
We care for the spiritual aspirations of the Chinese people and to serve the Chinese church and society.
We affirm the depth and breadth of written word as a medium of communicating thoughts and ideas, not only in the form of literary works, but also in the form of books and publications, and even on the Internet or other media. We strive to make use of all kinds of literature to provide holistic care for all people.
We have been known as a society or council since our inception, which means our mission are not solely focus on publishing per se, but the cultural mandate of expanding God’s reign on earth.
Following the spirit of the Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Knowledge Among the Chinese (SDCK)/Chinese Literature Society for China(CLS), and it is our vocation to publish high-quality Christian books and magazines for Chinese people. Being an interdenominational Christian publisher, all of our executive committee members and staffs come from different churches, and we adhere, in the spirit of Christ, to the two major publishing mission set forth by the CLS, namely, “preaching the gospel” and “promoting academic excellence”, and contribute to the Chinese churches throughout the world in our publishing work.
Our Story
Although the history of CCLC began in 1951, our origin can be traced further back to Shanghai at the end of the 19th century.
In 1887, the Society for the Diffusion of Christian and General Knowledge Among the Chinese (SDCK) was founded in Shanghai (From 1916 onwards, the Society came to be known as Christian Literature Society, CLS). Through the publication of Christian books in Chinese and books on western politics and science, the missionaries strive to promote cultural exchange between the East and the West, and thus spread the knowledge of Christianity and other knowledge among the Chinese people.
“Wàn Guó Gōng Bào” (萬國公報, literally: “Common Newspaper of Ten Thousand Nations”) , published by CLS, was one of the most widely known and prominent of these publications. It became an important means for the people of Qing Dynasty to learn first-hand about democracy, freedom and scientific thought.
Later on, as other commercial publishers operated by the Chinese flourished, the Society was no longer the sole promoter of modern knowledge in China. Ministerial focus of CLS was then shifted. Greater emphasis had been put on publishing theological and spiritual books for local churches and seminaries.
With the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, most of the foreign missionaries and foreign staff of CLS left and CLS could no longer supply books to overseas Chinese churches. Some of the CLS staff move from Shanghai to Hong Kong and subsequently initiated a new publishing organization with local church leaders at the time. Council on Christian Literature for Overseas Chinese (CCLOC) was thus established in 1951. In 1965, our name was changed to Chinese Christian Literature Council (CCLC).
We are a not-for-profit Christian publishing house, relied mainly on book sales for its income. In 1973, we reached the goal of full self-sufficiency and had maintained a sustainable growth ever since.
CCLC Publishing Mission
Preaching the Gospel
Promoting Academic Excellence
(Following the motto of the Chinese Literature Socielty)
Strive for high-quality publishing
Stimulate cultural transformative ministries
Serve the Chinese churches
Spread the Gospel of God’s reign
Upholding Christian values and ethos
Cultivating the depth of spirituality
Promoting universal values
Responding to the challenges of our time
Selected Series Showcase

“Light” Series:
“Light” in Volume, with profound insight to shed “light” into our minds and hearts.
High-quality translated works from well-regarded spirituality and theology writers.

Taize Spirituality Series:
Collaborative publication project with Taize Community
Short and concise introduction to the essence of Christian faith

Hymns of Universal Praise – Revised Edition (1977) & New Revised Edition (2006)
The first of its kind world class hymnal for the Chinese Church in Chinese language
Widely regarded as a milestone publication which is as important as the Chinese Union Version
Contact Us
If you have any inquiries or would like to provide us with some feedback for improvement, please send them to the address below. Thank you for your support.